Marketing and sales. No bull.
A can-do attitude.
A high-octane personality.
- The sheer amount of energy I have may scare you.
- I love getting my hands dirty. Prima donnas, slackers, and ego-maniacs should have no place in your marketing, sales, or communications efforts.
- Standards should be achievable, but high. If not, why bother?
- Inefficiency and unreliability drive me crazy.
- I have a secret desire to always make the English version of your texts better than your French versions.
Let’s get down to business.
Let’s see how magic can happen in your business.
- I thrive on tight deadlines and limited budgets.
- I obsess over results.
- I believe that marketing, sales, and communications is 20% strategy and 80% execution.
- I will not tell you want you want to hear. I will tell you what you need to hear.
- I treat each client’s business as though it were my own.
If you are feeling a head rush or heaving a sigh of relief, then we’re ready to talk.